Investment Opportunities
LegalSW, Inc.  



Early Growth                                                    Funding Need   $150K
Leif Johnston                                                                  Phone  (540) 372-9280 x201

LegalSW is focused on general solutions for the legal community. Currently in their service offering is a web/Microsoft Outlook conflict checking capability and a practice management application licensed from Resource Company.
While not the investment opportunity for all investors, LegalSW has a retail, low-end strategy that gives it a good opportunity to make an profitable impact in the legal community.
While there are many “competitors” for conflict checking capabilities, most run off the accounting system and are time consuming and not easily accessible. ConflictChecker™ provides a simple easy to use form that a receptionist can use to pre-screen clients during the initial phone consultation. Service Cost
$300 per company and $50 per user in a multi-user environment prices ConflictChecker™ well with in reach of the small practice size firms and its compatitibility with Microsoft Exchange allows it to scale up the firm size food chain. Other Services
Full staff management and accounting services could be bundled with this service offering.

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